Tag Archives: no collateral bail bonds in fresno

Obstructing The Police In California

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, obstructing the police is, “The offense of hindering a police officer who is in the course of doing his duty (Police Act 1996 s 89). “Obstruction” includes any intentional interference, e.g. by physical force, threats, telling lies or giving misleading information, refusing to cooperate in removing an obstruction or […]

Landscape Architects In California


Anyone who has ever tried to maintain a lawn or dabbled in landscaping knows that beautiful flower beds and breathtaking landscaping doesn’t simply happen. Many of the gorgeous lawns and pretty little landscaped areas within cities are the handiwork of people who are known as California’s landscape architects. While most people assume that California’s landscape […]

How To Dress Properly For Court


It doesn’t matter if you’re in civil or legal court, you want to make sure you’ve dressed appropriately. The good news is that getting dressed for court isn’t difficult. It’s also likely that you have most of the items needed to make a good impression so you don’t have to worry about the expense of […]

Understanding California’s Jury Duty

U.S. citizens who reside in the United States can receive a letter in the mail that summons them to serve on a jury. This is called jury duty. If selected to serve on the jury you’ll listen to a court case and use what you learned during the trial to decide if the defendant is […]

The Truth About Carpool Cheating


The rules seem simple enough. If you are the only person in your vehicle, you must stick to a certain lane of traffic. If you’re carrying multiple people in your car, you’re free to use the carpool lane which typically travels at a significantly faster speed. The system is designed to encourage people to carpool […]

Is Being Homeless A Crime In California?


In theory, California isn’t a bad place to be homeless. Sure, the high cost of living makes it difficult to get back on your feet, but at least the weather is nice all year round, so if you have to sleep outside a few nights a week, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Wrong! California […]

The Truth About Unemployment Fraud


Unemployment fraud in California is hardly a new concept, but the pandemic has pushed it to new heights which have resulted in it overwhelming an already strained system. What Is Unemployment Fraud In California? The term unemployment fraud refers to the act of collecting unemployment benefits that you don’t really deserve. Common examples of unemployment […]

Understanding Assault With A Deadly Weapon


Assault with a deadly weapon is basically what it sounds like. It means you are accused of assaulting someone and at the time you had something that could have been considered a deadly weapon. Like most legal issues, assault with a deadly weapon isn’t as simple as we would like it to be. What Is […]

The Difference Between Manslaughter And Involuntary Manslaughter

From a legal standpoint, manslaughter is, “the unlawful killing of a human being without any malice aforethought.” What that means is that something you did resulted in the death of someone else. What separates it from other types of murder charges is that you didn’t actively think you were going to do something that would […]

Planning A Flight? Make Sure You’re On Your Best Behavior!

Planning A Flight? Make Sure You're On Your Best Behavior!

Most of us have been on a flight where at least one passenger seemed to go out of their way to be difficult. They were loud, overly active, got sassy with the flight attendants, etc. In some cases, the passenger’s bad behavior was amusing. In other situations, it was irritating. Sometimes it even becomes concerning. […]