Tag Archives: best bail agents fresno

What If I Can’t Afford Bail?

Let’s face it – bail is expensive no matter how much your bail price is, whether it’s in the few hundreds to the thousands or even a million! On top of that, it’s not something you ever really anticipate having to pay for, so you don’t have a budget for that like you do for […]

Yearly Training Makes Fresno Bail Bond Store Agents The Best

Every year, Fresno Bail Bond Store agents are required to enroll in courses and lectures regarding the bail industry and what is expected of a professional, successful bail agent. Even a 20-year veteran is required to do so. The reason for these annual trainings is to keep Fresno Bail Bond Store agents at the top […]

Why Bail Bond Store Need A Co-Signer

In order to get a bail bond, there will need to be a co-signer. The co-signer is taking on responsibility for the defendant. By signing the bail bond paperwork, the co-signer is agreeing to financial consequences if the defendant does not show up in court: paying the remainder of the full bail amount and surrendering […]

Bail Bond Store Protect Us Too!

When a person bails out of jail, they are less likely to get themselves into more trouble again. Why? Because they know that if they are re-arrested, They face more punishment. They (or someone on their behalf) will need to pay the remainder of the bond. Any collateral that was offered will be taken away. […]