Moral Obligation Vs. Legal Obligation To Report A Crime

Some people believe that if they witness a crime, they must report it to the police; if they do not, they themselves are committing a crime. Actually though, in most cases, this is not true. A person may feel the moral obligation to report the crime, but they do not have a legal obligation to […]

Police Rely On Social Media

Highway City Bail Bonds

Because social media is such a huge part of social culture now, police departments are ramping up units and departments who are dedicated solely to scouring social media for dangers. Social media is where individuals, organizations, and companies, share their personal lives and thoughts. It is a major means of communication. It is meant to […]

The Police Need A Warrant To Search Your Cell Phone

Fresno Bail Bonds

Some people may not know this, but the police actually do need a warrant to search your cell phone. Just like your car or your home, your cell phone is your personal property and can contain extremely sensitive information. Think about what you use your cell phone for everyday: text messages, photos, social media, email, […]

If You Think You Were Wrongfully Arrested

Fresno Bail Bonds

In general, the public has less authority than the police. However, police authority can only go so far. They have certain boundaries and restrictions they must work within. In the instance that they make an arrest beyond the scope of their powers, they have made a false arrest and can get in trouble for it. […]

Time Is What You Are Missing On TV And In Jail!

Fresno Bail Bonds

We all know by now that what happens on TV shows and movies is not exactly how things would happen in real life. When it comes to crime dramas, the storylines are often over exaggerated because the producers want ratings. Similar situations in real life will not be as dramatic as they are on TV. […]

Can You Use Your Tax Return For Bail?

Clovis Bail Bonds

Like any money that is yours, give extra thought into what you want to do with your tax return when it comes in. Will you save or invest it? Can you afford to splurge and treat yourself to something nice? Do you need to use it to pay off rent, bills, or your bail bond […]

Pay Your Tickets Before You Pay With Your Time And Freedom

Calwa Bail Bonds

If you think that you can get away without paying for your parking tickets, think again. The longer you put off paying your parking tickets, the more likely the police are going to issue a warrant for your arrest. If you keep piling on those unpaid tickets, that warrant is going to come for you […]

Getting Arrested Is Not The End Of The World

Burness Bail Bonds

It is not the end of their world when a person is arrested. It will seem like it to them, but it is up to their friends, family members, and Burness Bail Bond Store to show them that it is not. An arrest is a temporary, unplanned event. If it happens, there is no getting […]

Fresno Bail Bond Store – A Team Of Heroes

Fresno Bail Bonds

Heroes come unexpected and unannounced. They save the day when it seems like all hope is lost. Most often, heroes are fictional characters like Batman and Iron Man, but once in a while, they are real people helping you at your most desperate moments. Say you get a sudden, frightening phone call and learn that […]

Jail Vs. Home Is Like Winter Vs. Spring

Fresno Bail Bonds

Mother Nature is slowly beginning her transitional period from what was a very rainy and gloomy winter season to a beautiful, colorful spring. How about taking a pointer or two from Mother Nature and take on the same change for your family by helping a loved one post bail? Like the winter season, getting arrested […]