Category Archives: Sanger Bail Bonds

4 California Bike Laws You Probably Don’t Know About

Do you spend a lot of time biking in California? If so, there are some California bike laws you’re probably not familiar with. Bikes And Crosswalks Did you know that as a cyclist, you’re not supposed to stop your bike in the middle of a crosswalk? When you’re on a bike, you need to treat […]

GoFund Me Crimes

GoFund Me has been a wonderful tool. It’s allowed people, non-profit organizations and more to quickly raise money for important causes and emergencies. While many great things can be said about GoFund Me, as always, there’s also a dark side. Shortly after GoFund Me started making waves, scammers flocked to the site and started working […]

What Is Parental Kidnapping In California

As a society, we have preconceived ideas about child abductions. We tend to think that most child abductions involve a stranger taking a child and that these are usually crimes of opportunity. The truth is that most child abductions are actually parental kidnappings. Child Find of America reports that 78% of missing children reports involve […]

Should You Open Your Door When A Stranger Knocks?

There is a knock on your door. You stand beside the door for several seconds torn between the urge to open it and find out who is on the other side and a genuine concern that opening the door could jeopardize your safety. Knocks In The Middle Of The Night The general rule of thumb […]

What Is Aiding And Abetting?

The Legal Dictionary describes aiding and abetting as: “a person’s action to help, support or approve of someone else’s illegal act. Aiding and abetting is a crime in itself, held against those who would somehow assist a criminal – short of physically contributing to the illegal act. In many jurisdictions, aiding and abetting is the […]

Transporting Prescription Drugs

During the opioid crises in the ‘90s, it wasn’t uncommon to hear about someone getting arrested on prescription drug charges after what seemed like a routine traffic stop. In many of these cases, it was never made entirely clear how the police learned about the driver’s issues with the prescription drugs. At the time, many […]

What You Need To Know Regarding Resisting Arrest In California

Resisting arrest is one of those strange charges that people often think is unfair, in large part because it’s a discretionary charge that can make the police appear inconsistent. What Is Resisting Arrest? If you think that bolting and running when the police pull out the handcuffs and start reciting the Miranda Rights is an […]

The Difference Between A State And Federal Warrant

Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given them permission to do so, or if they’ve gone through the correct legal channels and acquired a warrant. The same is true when it comes to arrests. While there are some exceptions, such as drunk […]

Social Media And Slander

Social media has a weird impact on our lives. We tend to think that we’re free to say anything we want on our social media accounts and that we never have to worry about the potential consequences of our words. As a result, we say things about people without realizing that those same words could […]

Obstruction Of Justice Laws In California

A surprising number of people think that obstruction of justice is something the writers of procedural shows made up in order to correct plot holes. While it’s true, obstruction of justice is an overused plot device, it is also a real thing. If you live in California, there are a few things you should know […]