Category Archives: Coalinga Bail Bonds

The Legal Ins And Outs Of Street Racing In California

Street racing is fun. It’s exciting. It might even seem like a good idea. It’s also the type of fun that can land you in a great deal of legal trouble. California lawmakers believe that street racing is reckless and dangerous behavior which is why they’ve created strict laws. The hope is that the laws […]

Gun Violence In California And Ghost Guns

Gun violence is an increasing concern throughout the United States. California isn’t an exception. In 2019, guns were connected to 2,945 deaths in California. About 1,600 of these deaths were ruled suicides while the remainder were connected to gun violence. In 2020, the number of gun-related homicides increased to 2,161 which represented a 30.3% increase. […]

California’s Search And Seizure Laws

California lawmakers believe that the common citizen should be as protected from the police as possible. The creation of search and seizure laws is one of the steps lawmakers have taken to make sure that your Fourth Amendment rights are protected. Not only are the search and seizure laws designed to prevent the police from […]

Violating A Protective Court Order In California

There are several reasons a protective court order may have been issued against you. When you are issued a protective court order, it’s important that you pay careful attention to what it says and that you follow it to the letter. The fact that you received the court order indicates that you’re in legal trouble. […]

Signs That Your Child Is Being Victimized By A Bully

A single bully can do an enormous amount of damage to a child. They hit the child’s self-confidence takes can haunt your child for the rest of their life. In addition to psychological trauma, parents also worry about bullying and physical abuse. Most kids don’t report bullying problems to their parents. Catching the early warning […]

California’s Stance On Wallet Guns

If you’ve never heard of a wallet gun, you’re not alone. They’re not terribly common and are usually only seen at gun shows and in museums where they’re often considered a novelty item. However, since wallet guns are a real thing and there is always a chance that someone could have one that they honestly […]

California Earbud Laws

Earbuds are awesome. They provide you with a way to tune out all the noise connected to the world and lose yourself in music, white noise, audiobooks and podcasts. Earbuds fit snugly into your ear so that you don’t have to worry about anyone being disturbed by what you’re listening to. What you might not […]

Determining If You’re Dealing With A Stalker

Many of us assume that stalkers are something that only celebrities have to worry about, but that simply isn’t true. Every single day, there are reports of ordinary people being bullied, harassed, scared and even killed by stalkers. According to Oxygen, 7.5 million Americans struggle to deal with a stalker each year. In 75% of […]

GoFund Me Crimes

GoFund Me has been a wonderful tool. It’s allowed people, non-profit organizations and more to quickly raise money for important causes and emergencies. While many great things can be said about GoFund Me, as always, there’s also a dark side. Shortly after GoFund Me started making waves, scammers flocked to the site and started working […]

What Is Parental Kidnapping In California

As a society, we have preconceived ideas about child abductions. We tend to think that most child abductions involve a stranger taking a child and that these are usually crimes of opportunity. The truth is that most child abductions are actually parental kidnappings. Child Find of America reports that 78% of missing children reports involve […]