Category Archives: Clovis Bail Bonds

Who Is Responsible For A T-Bone Accident?

Officially they are called side-collision impact accidents, but because the result is two cars forming a T, most of us know them as T-bone accidents. They occur when two vehicles are traveling in different directions go through an intersection at the same time. At least one of the vehicles is usually traveling at a high […]

Wet And Reckless In California

If you’ve never heard of a wet reckless charge in California, you’re not alone. Very few people are aware of them. Most of the people who do know about wet reckless driving offenses are lawyers who specialize in DUI cases. What Is A Wet Reckless Driving Charge In California? A patrol officer won’t write a […]

Neighbor Animal Disputes

Pets are supposed to bring peace and joy to our lives. The problem is that the same pet that you love with all of your heart can also trigger a major dispute between you and your neighbors. The most common issues behind neighbor animal disputes are barking dogs, animal waste getting deposited in the wrong […]

California’s Views On Revenge Porn

One of the horrible things some people use to get back at their former lovers after a break-up is distributing explicit digital content (videos/pictures) without the other person’s consent. Because this is usually done for malicious purposes, people have started calling this act revenge porn though it’s also sometimes referred to as cyber exploitation. California […]

Providing False Information Charges In California

Mistakes happen. Witnesses start to second guess what they’ve seen. Memories dim. Stress causes people to make mistakes. Investigators word things in a way that the person who is being questioned doesn’t actually understand what is being said. These things happen all the time and can lead to people providing investigating officers with information that […]

Early Warning Signs That Your Partner Is Dangerous

One of the things many domestic abuse victims say is that they never thought that it could happen to them. Another comment is that they simply didn’t recognize the early warning signs. The truth of the matter is that many people don’t know that most relationships have red flags that could serve as important signs […]

Look For Mail-In Ballots This Fall

Few of us will forget the debate about the mail-in ballots and absentee voting that took place in the months leading up to the 2020 election. It’s a topic that will likely come up again as the 2024 election draws nearer. Starting this year, registered California voters will receive a mail-in ballot leading up to […]

Things You Should Know About Receiving Stolen Property In California

Don’t assume that just because you didn’t actively participate in a burglary that the items taken during the burglary won’t get you into trouble. They likely will. It doesn’t really matter if you hold stolen items in your garage while your friend finds a fence, if you’re gifted a stolen television, or if you purchase […]

Preventing Porch Piracy

You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one. A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers to someone who spots a delivery package on your porch […]

Stay Safe Going Into The New Year

Stay Safe Going Into The New Year

Going out on the town and painting it red on New Year’s Eve always seems like a great way to ring in the New Year. Celebrating at bars, restaurants, clubs or community events is a lot of fun and a great way to create some spectacular memories, but it can also be dangerous. The good […]