Category Archives: Avenal Bail Bonds

Should You Use A Bail Bond Or Not

If you’re in the situation where you need to bail either yourself or a loved one out of jail, there are two options: using a third party professional bail bond company, or not. Which one is the right choice for you? By paying bail directly with court, it will generally cost less in the long […]

The Approval Process For A Bail Bond

The approval process for a bail bond is simple. The judge is the one who grants or denies bail, but trust that he or she does not make this decision based on personal judgment. There is a bail schedule for every county that outlines the average bail price for each crime, from infractions to misdemeanors […]

About Kaitlyn’s Law

Kaitlyn Russell was a six month old who died after she was left alone in a parked car for over two hours. Her unfortunate death is the force behind Kaitlyn’s Law, which makes it illegal for a child 6 years or younger to be left unsupervised by anyone 12 years old or older in a […]

Everyone Benefits From Bail Bonds

The person who is getting bailed out of jail isn’t the only one who benefits from the bail bond. Many groups of people can benefit from the use of bail bonds, if you really think about it. Bail bond release lowers pre-trial jail populations at no cost to taxpayers. Defendants who bailed out of jail […]

Reporting Crimes: Required Or Moral Obligation?

Did you know that if you witness a crime, you are not legally required to report it to authorities or intervene? Of course, morally, it’s the right thing to do, but you wouldn’t legally be punished if you didn’t. These are circumstantial and there are cases and instances where some people may actually have to […]

Keep Up With Bail Bond Payments With Tax Returns

When you start doing your taxes, you will be asked that in the case you paid excess taxes in the previous year, would you like the balance to be refunded to you or applied to this coming year’s taxes. The pros to either might be obvious: If you choose to be refunded, you will get […]

California State Laws On Bail Bonds

When someone is arrested, they have an arraignment hearing where the judge will determine if he or she is eligible for bail. Then, sometime down the road, that person stands trial for the crime they were arrested for. If they are found guilty, if they are convicted, they are sent to prison to serve their […]

Always Read The Fine Print

Have you read, word for word, the terms and conditions of something or anything? Have you read the fine print? If you are like 99% of the world, the answer is probably something along the lines of “never.” We are all quick to assume that the fine print is the standard information but sometimes there […]

A Guide To Understanding Bail In Real Life

What you watch on television shows are never the full truth and full story. There just isn’t enough time to watch every detail of how bail bonds work because showing that is not as exciting to the viewer as the high speed police chase part of the show. So, to help you understand how bail […]

California’s Gun Laws And What They Mean To You

The purpose of gun laws is to regulate the use, sale and possession of firearms. Each U.S. state may have different gun laws; California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. In terms of owning and selling guns in California: A person must be at least 18 to purchase a long […]